Friday, July 11, 2008

Denver Broncos Cheerleaders Calendar Shoot 08

Well gang once again I find myself south of the border drinking bad tequila and eating too many tacos. That means I'm back in mexico shooting the swimsuit calendar for the Denver Broncos Cheerleaders. It has been a great week of shooting but I'm glad I don't have to wake up at 4:30 in the morning to capture that sunrise in the shot.  This year they changed things up and instead of some group shots of girls we shot them all individually so that came out to like 30 shots. It is hot as hell down here this time of the year and I think I sweated off 10 pounds. The shots look amazing so I'll give you a little taste. The sunrises turned out perfect as you can see. They are some of my favorite but the early mornings kill you. You can also go to Rocky Mountain News website and see many more of the photos.I'll keep you posted. Enjoy.